secretary. she's not sure of what he said. she can deny it, and then the russians come out with a recording. secretary mattis is in a bind, the defense department is in a bind. who knows? i'm sure the russians know, and there is a recording. but we don't. >> that's exactly right, don. if donald trump was being this fawning, this obsequious to vladimir putin in public, imagine what he said in it private. the only problem is, as you say, i don't think anybody in the u.s. government other than donald trump and the translator in the room actually know what transpired. sarah sanders doesn't know, pompeo doesn't know. they have to rely on trump to tell them. what are the odds he gives them a complete recollection? it's a certitude that putin made a tape recording of this conversation, so he probably has an actual transcript. this gives putin potential to further blackmail of donald trump by releasing excerpts of what he said in the private meeting. >> dana, he's now saying he holds putin responsible for