good reason. if gassing your own people doesn't cross a red line, what does? obama took a different path. he went to congress, he wanted their involvement, they didn't want to dmoig with it because congress is all about giving up its authority to the executive branch. so he did nothing. trump did do something. he hit syria. he bombed them. but. but when it came to hitting russia over their role in syria, what happened? nikki haley was on tv saying this. >> you will see that russian sanctions will be coming down. secretary mnuchin will be announcing those on monday if he hasn't already. >> now, you remember what happened there? the next day the administration suggested she was confused. nikki haley did not like that. she said i wasn't confused, i said exactly what i wanted to say. but ultimately, they all walked it back. why? trump didn't like the idea. he didn't want to go toe to toe with russia on this. the poisoned spies in the uk.