forward with a subpoena. what would happen in a situation lie that? the president said he would like to speak to the mueller team and see what happens, wolf. >> you certainly will. thank you very much. let's get insight and political analysis from our experts right now. jeffrey toobin, an expert on the supreme court. look at the four individuals. apparent finalists. what do you think? mo w.h.o. will win it? >> most important thing to observe i think is that they're much more similar than different. and we can find subtle differences. you know, barrett is just become a federal appeals court judge. kavanaugh has been a judge for 13 years. so i mean, there's a vast difference in terms of experience but in terms of politics, i think the most important thing is to remember what donald trump said in the campaign, which is he will appoint pro life judges to vote to overturn roe v. wade. what i think he meant is he will