to get special lotion. >> what we republicans get tired of -- i will give it to dan. democrats get something done whether they're in office. >> let me get dan in. i don't want to ignore you in san francisco. i want to ask quickly about the president getting a lot of criticism about his comments about the me too movement. you heard president clinton struggled with answering questions about his history regarding this. is this a generational problem? more than a political problem for men of a certain age. >> it may be. i don't know. i think it is -- it ties together with what you asked jack about his comments about george h.w. bush, the comments about john mccain. there's a lack of empathy within trump for victims, for people in need. it comes through with the idea that he would make fun of the movement. right? maybe generationally you don't understand it the right way you should. it shouldn't be that hard. age should not require you to understand that sexism is wrong.