reaching the decisions that he did. i think he certainly has earned a retirement, if he was ready for it. and so i know he's not one of these justices whose only life is his work. i think he loved his job. i think his calling was to be a judge and to be, as he would say, a member of the bar. he took great pride in being a member of the bar. but he also had a life beyond that of watching his grandkids' tee-ball games and playing chess with his grandchildren and visiting his children for holidays and christmas. i think he enjoyed being a judge. i think he's going to enjoy the next chapter of his life. >> so what would you like to see in his successor? >> you know, i think that the president has assembled a list of judges who are all about the same age, as your previous s segment was discussing. they all, i think, have a respect for precedent and also a respect for originalism and