in the bays and stuff, cod is coming back. >> jeremy c: cod is king still. cod is still king. >> captain: what's your water, dave? >> dave: 140. >> captain: okay, that's perfect. let's give her a shot. let's start with two lines, and then see how much of a mess we've got with tide. >> dave: i've got a nibble. >> captain: there you go, lift that. oh, there you go, fred. >> anthony: nice one. >> fred: whoa. next one is a moose. >> anthony: yeah, all right. there you go. that's a nice-sized one. >> jeremy c: one down, 14 to go. [ walkie-talkie chatter ] >> jeremy c: oh yeah, fish on. there we go. i can see him there now. >> anthony: all right. >> jeremy c: perfect, well done yourself. >> anthony: thank you, sir.