going to see their parents ever again. >> i wonder why you think it's not a priority at this point. >> i think it's a priority to deal with it politically. all i'm saying is we want to see it actually get done. that's how we'll know it's a priority, if it actually gets done. i don't mean it's not a priority in the sense that they're talking about it. i mean, they need to prioritize getting it done. >> i think people would hear what you're saying and say, yeah, we agree, let's force them to reunite these families. but could it be that they weren't reuniting families as quickly as a lot of people would like to see because logistically, the system is complicated? >> well, it's a mess of their own making. they separated these little kids and they didn't put a system in place to track them, so there's no question it's a mess. that's why we're not asking for it to be done in three days, a week, which is what should happen when you have a little baby, a 2-year-old, a 3-year- d 3-year-old. they can have 30 days and sooner for little kids. 30 days is enough when the united states government wants to do something. there's no question it's a mess. they need to turn to nonprofits, they need to ask for help.