>> anthony: sunday afternoon in berlin at the mauerpark flea market is a place where ex-pat artists and locals alike can find what they want and didn't know they needed. >> anton: oh, there you are, wolfgang, can't lose you. adidas track suit. >> anthony: oh, man, that's a good look. joining the throngs of frugal shoppers -- anton, wolfgang, and i. we have some purchases in mind. >> anton: so this is where i usually take a cigarette break, because -- >> anthony: he'll be a while? >> anton: well, what would you do if you had a 5-year-old brain? this is like -- his synapsis is going -- [ twisting sounds ] thank you. can we spend one second with the records? >> anthony: oh, hell, yeah. >> anton: the main thing that i'm looking for is always beatles in mono, anything in mono from the '60s stuff for