>> jose: so now they're going to finish up and take all the guts out, the heart, liver. >> anthony: then it's lunch. >> jose: lunch time. >> man in cream sweater: in portugal we used to say if you want to know our body we have to kill a pig because it's absolutely the same. all the organs are placed on the same disposition. you see the liver there and the heart, you've got the tongue there too. >> anthony: ah, it's all in a package. all the good stuff. look, it's a lung. he's good. >> jose: yeah he really knows what he's doing. >> anthony: i would say a surgeon but he's faster than a surgeon. guts removed, the liver and heart are used today, cooked immediately. ah, this is the best, the heart. >> man in cream sweater: it's like a tender sirloin. it's so good. >> anthony: it's so good. the intestine washed and reserved for sausage casing.