and one of his brothers or his uncles are working here and then he starts to learn how to repair mobile phones, right? >> anthony: right. >> tunti: and sometimes i tend to think they deal with trial and error, so your phone might just be a practice -- but -- >> anthony: right. >> tunti: yeah. >> anthony: but they get there eventually. >> tunti: they get there eventually, and that's the success story of almost all the people you see here. most of them came into this particular market with nothing. ♪ okay, this is -- >> anthony: oh, yeah, let's go get some food. >> tunti: exactly. ♪ >> anthony: pounded yam is the ubiquitous starch of nigerian cuisine. ♪ here served with egusi soup. a stew of goat meat, melon seeds, fish stock and chiles. ♪ this is very, very good. so, i've heard this market