this tantrum. >> how do you see his message, anna? >> i think it's too little too late, frankly. i'm sorry to see that leader in the senate like corker get retirement time courage. i think we are having a deficiency of consistency in washington and a deficiency of courage, particularly in the republican party. is there a reason for it? yes, take a look at what happened last night with mark sanford. he lost his primary. this is a guy who in congress has spoken up against and opposed the president at times, even though he's voted with him 75% of the time. yesterday, donald trump tweeted against him, you know, just in the middle of the election and he lost his primary. so i think that after they see people like mark sanford fall, fall on their sword, you're going to see even more cowering, d even more cowardus by the republicans in congress. >> scott, i want to move on to the different tone and words