their objectives for this process. >> so to continue the score analogy, which is sometimes dangerous, what does the president need? what does secretary pompeo need to cha that? if kim leaves with a healthy lead in deliverables, which he has -- there is no question about that -- there is n wrong with that if you get what you want later in the protscess. what is that? >> in the short term, it's the v word, which is verification. that was as basic as it got going back to ronald reagan, obviously with the sovunion, and even before that. that is something that you can bet is going to be required if there ends up being an actual deal, because -- i was up with senator risch of idaho who is eventually going to be republican head of the foreign relations committee, and he says that he and diane feinstein have got an agreement from the white house that there will be senate observers in any negotiation so