and advisers, strategists who work with the president, they think that's part of his brand, part of his political persona, that he's a no apology president. it's kind of amazing, it's kind of incredible. it's surreal, really, sort of alice in wonderland surreal like you're in a different planet to hear the white house press secretary go into the briefing room and demand apologies when she works for a president who never apologizes. >> amidst all of this, there's a truly significant development. trey gowdy is a conservative. he was in the justice department briefing last week about the 2016 investigation, the russian interference in the election in the trump campaign and said he's now absolutely convinced the fbi acted appropriately. that they did exactly what the fbi was created to do. so how does the white house respond? >> that's right, wolf. trey gowdy, a fellow republican

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