be able to move past this investigation. if indeed trump and giuliani are correct, this will be won or lost in the court of public opinions, if you're able to soldify 40% of that court, that may be enough to muddy the waters and not have your own party coalesce around the notion you've done something so wrong it requires you to be removed from office. >> that's the argument against reading the conspiracy theories verbatim. it does poison the well. let's move on to tonight, tennessee, so what do we expect with the president, you know, trying to rally around these republican candidates? >> asking me what i expect what the president will do in a rally is a tough one to answer because it will be whatever his whim is at the moment. where he's going tonight is really important, alisyn. the democrats chances of taking control of the senate, even in a very good democratic year are still very steep, but they can't