there is nowhere else for them to stay. >> i think it's in their best interest to let us sleep in the park instead of roam the streets at night. >> boy scouts could sleep overnight in the parks, but not hippies. there's no other place to sleep. so we knew if you're going to drive people out of the parks, they're going to be in the streets. it's going to be pandemonium. is that what you want? >> how do k you feel about the anti-war demonstrators? >> i don't like them. i don't like them one bit. there's no reason for them. they accomplish nothing. >> the police largely working class people would come up the hard way, see these privileged white students and have to wonder what do they have to be angry about? and many of those police officers, themselves, identified with the soldiers coming back from the war in vietnam. >> we're coming not because our fight is with policemen or national guard troops, our fight is with the policies of this administration. >> on this eve of the beginning of the 35th democratic national convention, chicago is nearly