perjury trap. the best way to not get ensnared in a perjury trap is to tell the truth. this is the route they're going to go. they think it is really important for not only their base, but republicans and many americans to see what they view as a witch-hunt, as a spy gate, and they're going to continue to plead that case. my view, i would recommend the best way to handle this is to continue to do what they say they have been doing. help robert mueller any way with this investigation, provide the necessary documents, provide the information, sit back and let the investigation play out, if they have done nothing wrong, if there is no coordination, no collusion, let the facts lead where they may and let's focus on other things like the summit and the economy and jobs. that would be the best route to go with this. >> patty, when it comes to how democrats should address this, you know, utilize it, in running for the midterms because as much as this is legal, this is also

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