i can see him there now. >> anthony: all right. >> jeremy c: perfect, well done yourself. >> anthony: thank you, sir. >> jeremy c: there you go. >> anthony: whoa, that's a nice-sized one. >> dave: that's why these things went extinct. they bite like crazy. >> anthony: wow, i think that's the most successful fishing scene i've had in many, many years. >> dale: we're surrounded by water, and we're not really a seafood-eating place. we live in this fish culture, it's been fishing here for hundreds of years, and the fish was not always accessible to people here. it was something that was always for export. >> anthony: right. >> dale: and so the fishery is changing a little bit. i think as well, it was always just a single species fishery, and now that's diversifying. >> anthony: by necessity. >> dale: yes, absolutely.