then yes, they will start that uranium enrichment again without any restrictions. >> fred, after that pullout announcement, iran's supreme leader posted a photo of himself. he was reading fire and fury which we all know is deeply critical of donald trump. a bit of trolling there? >> reporter: yeah. well, it certainly doesn't teem like a coincidence to post that picture. it was interesting. the grand ayatollah was at a book fair in tehran. obviously looking at many books. it was that specific one that he was seen reading. unclear whether he was trying to do research on president trump or how he liked the book. it comes after a week where earlier after president trump pulled out of the nuclear dpree agreement, the ayatollah ripped into the president saying his corpse one worm fodder while iran would stand.

Related Keywords

Fred Pleitgen ,Restrictions ,Pullout Announcement ,Irans Supreme Leader ,Uranium Enrichment ,Photo ,Donald Trump ,Reporter ,Picture ,Preading Fire ,Bit ,Know ,Doesn T ,Fury ,Trolling ,Esteem ,Coincidence ,President ,One ,Trump ,Book ,Ayatollah ,Books ,Research ,Reading ,Book Fair In Tehran ,Iran ,Corpse ,Worm Fodder ,Nuclear Dpree Agreement ,

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