if donald trump said you are not talking to the media, he wouldn't talk to the media. donald trump brought rudy giuliani on at least in part because he liked how rudy giuliani performed on television. >> wait. do you think the president wants this out there? >> no. absolutely not. they are going to have to walk this back. there's no -- you cannot have what rudy giuliani said about the at&t merger there. in the same way that they tried to walk back the michael cohen reimbursements, remember, giuliani put out a clarification, saying, this is my understanding of it. this wasn't the president's understanding. they will have to do something like that. he misspoke. he meant the president -- the administration, not the president. the point is, strike one, maybe you are looking for your pitch. strike two, okay, we will see. strike three, it's strike six for giuliani, at some point you are not a good hitter. i think that we may have reached that point with giuliani.