i think presidents and administrations try consistently. but when they succeed, it tells you more about what's happening in north korea and that's important. north korea clearly is coming to the table in a more conciliatory mood than it has been for a long time. >> you know, i think last night -- and they are pushing back -- he talked about the tv ratings in the middle of the night. it was very odd. but again, let's give him credit because, you know, he says the fake media and what he calls the fake media doesn't give him credit. philip ricker wrote this. for trump each roll on the world stage is like a spritz of febreeze. the narrative of donald trump. do you agree with that, he has north korea, iran, new embassy in jerusalem, what do you think? >> look, i think again you have to give him credit in this sense. which is these are things he said he would do. donald trump said he would tear up the iran deal. he did it.