investigation. you would start pulling bank records. there is always been a question as to the motivation for the relationship with russia and you know we know or we have reason to believe that there was even outreach potentially for members of the trump campaign to russia. and there is back and forth and efforts to get information. mueller is asking the question of what are the lengths? in the course of that he looks at michael cohen's bank records. the fact that there is russian -- that there is a connection to one of oligarchs who has been directly connected to the russian election hacking has been to be significant, has to be someone he needs to speak to. he wants to know from the oligarch who are you talking to, what are you doing, what are you will go for? there is a ton of questions. the fact that at&t and novartis happen to be art of the bank records would be a question of what else is he doing? what's happening here? i don't think it necessarily falls in the same category as russia. but it's still of interest because there is no -- it's in this account. there is a lot of questions. >> quick last word david then a