the president. >> i think whoever moves into this position is -- the folks that want to take this position over, the new york attorney general position, they're going to be fighting each other to show how tough -- how tough they are on this particular issue and i think holding the president and others accountable. the thing that i found breathtaking about this was the speed with which it happened, in the space of three hours, you had revelation, resignation. i also think the democratic party is making a concerted effort, at least in this instance, to take the moral high ground, which is they're going to be able to criticize others, hold others accountable, and hold their -- people in their own party accountable because they do believe this is one of the things that is going to help them draw a contrast in their criticism of this president. >> ronan farrow, one of the reporters who broke this story last night, two stories in -- two important stories in the space of 48 hours, yea for journalism on this front. part of the piece that stood out to us, tana sielvaratnam told