walk. but in reality the trip is three to five days. >> that's the trip once you get on this side. >> that's once you get on this side. >> temperatures here with reach well over 100 degrees. combine that with mountain pass at over 3,800 feet. add a liberal amount of snakes scorn scorpions, coyotes and you've got an obstacle course that's deadly as any given step. >> here we are, kamau, this is the ends of the infrastructure. it doesn't span the border, at least not yet. but that's what the border used to look like there. >> that's where the. >> the sticks and bashed wire fence. >> wow. >> you know what you're walking on, that's the trail. you can see it's already started growing back. >> oh this here. >> this used to be a trail where immigrants were walking through. >> wow. >> not that long ago because somebody ate candy here recently. >> look at that. you just smelled to find out how fresh that candy is. people at home are seeing this and saying this is why we need a bigger wall.