it makes you feel welcome. maybe it was the non-douchey beer culture here that appealed. i don't mean beer culture in a judgmental neck beard hovering over you waiting for you to decide between craft beers way either. i mean, but here decent beer is a way of life. it's a birthright. you don't talk about it too much. you freakin' drink it. beer here means, more often than not, kölsch. heinz grune has lived in cologne his whole life. >> heinz: cheers to the -- >> anthony: prost. he does marketing for several german breweries, so a kölsch is an integral part of both his social and business lives. kölsch is not a brand. what is this anyway? >> heinz: let's call it a style. it's a pale ale, and people love to drink it in high amounts. >> anthony: malzmuhle brewery