it's lowering the standards that we expect of presidents. we keep going lower and lower, you know, treating us like fools, treating the general public like fools, as if people don't catch on to these things. they do. people in this country are pretty darn smart about things like this. they sniff it out when someone's lying to them and i think they've got a bead on this. there are a lot of people, as we know, who continue to support the president despite the lying. they accept it as a matter of course, because they care far more about some of the results they're getting in their lives, and that's going to continue, but i tell you, if you keep eroding the trust in the particular president, the credibility of that president goes down in a really tough situation which may come from mueller comes out and the president then starts denying, a whole lot of people in this country are not going to believe him and the people who are for him now may change their minds. >> david gergen, thank you, sir. good to see you. >> thank you. coming up, molten lava dangerously close to dozens of homes as a hawaii volcano erupts