time honored approval process. need more republicans. just a quick side note, the nom know was approved by the committee in october. the republicans in control of the senate could bring that up for a vote anytime now. i digress. here with me now, cnn political commentator, former communications director for the republican national committee doug high and former press secretary for the bill clinton white house, joe lockhart. great to see both of you. doug, let's get to it. pompeo making history today if and when he get final approval from the full senate. do you see him as starting the job at a disadvantage because of what could possibly go down later today? >> no, because i think you sort of answered your question already. he'll start the job. >> i love when i do that. >> we know he'll be confirmed with the joe manchin announcement that he'll support mike pompeo's nomination, heidi heitkamp, another democrat is supporting him as well. he'll have the votes needed to pursue -- to pursue the job -- to take the job.