a philosopher. you began your book with a quote of his. nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history. right now, we're in the immediate context of history. and probably to a lot of people out there, both supporters of the president and opponents of the president, a lot of stuff doesn't make sense. how do you think history is going to look at this? are you confident that you're going to be seen as taking the path of the righteous? >> i don't know. i hope people will see me as a fair-minded person, acting in good faith, being careful, involving other people. but i don't know. i hope this doesn't sound odd, it doesn't matter that much. i'm a happy person. i care how my family feels about me. i would love to be a great father and grandfather. but people make their own judgment overtime. >> you have been very sensitive to the criticism that some people have made that you have an infatuation with your own