raising the regular flood. i mentioned him jay goldberg, he has known him for decades. in fact, he helped negotiate trump's go divorces decades ago. he is predicting cohen could end up cooperating with the feds. we're going to talk to jay in just a moment. i want to go to jeff zeleny "outfront" first in west palm beach. jeff, how concerned is the president tonight? >> well, erin, it's interesting, because so much focus had been on james comey. but i was talking to a white house official who said he has weathered james comey. it is michael cohen that is consuming him. and the key point, erin, is this. michael cohen is viewed in the west wing at least as a wild card, someone who never came in the administration, although he wanted to, but he was blocked for a variety of reasons. so he never came inside the administration. and frankly, the white house officials have no control over him. so i am told the president has been asking multiple people what he should do about this, if he thinks that michael cohen will flip. i'm told the president still does not think that he will, but that has not sort of calmed all these questions here.