state charges as well. so i think that is definitely a possibility if trump is really concerned that cohen's going to cooperate against him. he would end it right when he's charged. he's not going to wait for a conviction, not going to wait for the opportunity for him to cooperate. go ahead and stop it now. and i am certain that there's some sort of message being sent to cohen either directly or indirectly that's going to be the deal. >> you believe michael cohen will flip. >> clearly none of us know exactly what michael cohen is going to do. we're not inside his head. we don't know what advice he's getting -- >> and we're assuming there's something to flip on. >> that's the point i was about to make, don. all of this assumes that the president has done something, that he's done something he believes or someone believes is criminal and that we know to flip someone you have to be able to give the prosecutors some information that's going to be valuable to the prosecutors. so if it's just general information the prosecutors aren't going to give michael cohen a sweet deal if he doesn't