crews removed the u.s. flag from the building that had been used as the u.s. consulate in st. petersburg. russia ordered that consulate to be shutdown. >> that was after the u.s. did the same with the russian consulate in seattle, washington. moscow has also retaliated by expelling 60 u.s. diplomats, the same amount of russian diplomats the u.s. expelled. meantime, there is another indication president trump could make significant changes to the u.s. involvement in syria. mr. trump has placed on hold more than $200 million that was meant to be used for a syria recovery fund. >> on thursday, president trump said the united states will withdraw from syria. quote, very soon. u.s. officials fear, though, a complete and quick withdrawal of u.s. troops could lead to a dangerous power vacuum. we are also learning the identities of the two soldiers who were killed in a bomb attack in syria on thursday. they were taking part in an operation against isis in northern -- in the northern part of the area, so the city of