ahead, michael. >> oh. >> let me tell you, jeff sessions had his run ins with trump. trump likes to get rid of people when they get more attention than he does. let me put one plug in, toe, for rod rosenstein. i don't always agree with rod. i had the chance to serve with him. he is a good guyen a a gait gate keeper in some inspects of the department right now. he stood up when there was pressure to move on mueller, imprisoning. he indicated he feels there is no reason to do that right now. so sessions has his problems. he may be on the way out. i don't think there is any secret that trump wants to remake his cabinet and what that ultimately does to the russia investigation. i don't know. but let's hope that rod hangs around for a while. >> i have a new appreciation for magazines. that's way i just get the online version, though. thank you. i appreciate it. just ahead more on the breaking news, robert mueller's team using help from rick gates on the central mission investigating the trump campaign