you know, stormy daniels, what do you have to say about that? and i think they may be concerned about what he might say, but so far this is the one topic he's kept quiet about. >> it is interesting. if he walks on the south lawn to marine one, he will get the questions shouted to him today. we'll see if he even responds in any form or fashion. caitlin huey byrnes, alisha rasko, thank you. new questions about whether the trump legal team, what they did exactly. new reports claim that the president's lawyer floated the idea of pardons for both michael flynn and paul manafort, and the real issue is floated the idea of pardons to these men's attorneys. cnn political analyst josh dossy joins me now. you're part of the "washington post" team that did the reporting on this story. john dowd, the president's personal lawyer now gone, he mentioned what to whom when? >> john dowd, the president's personal attorney, who recently left the russia legal team, back