the stoneman douglas high school shooting and others. coming up at the top of the hour, we have a special report we put together, with the help and grace of six of those survivors. in video drierries they've documented their grief, pain and determination to turn that pain into the change they want to see. you can see their stories coming up in our special report "the parkland diaries." tomorrow, they along with countless others, will take part in what is being billed as the march for our lives in washington and other mouchs around the country. among them will be another survivor, a girl who has been a shooting survivor for about half of her young life. 5 1/2 years ago she was a student at sandy hook school. >> we can't keep living like this. >> reporter: for 12-year-old lauren milgram, it's that simple. no more guns, certainly not in school. tomorrow in washington, d.c., she'll make her voice heard. for lauren, this is personal. 5 1/2 years ago she was in her first grade classroom when a gunman opened fire in her school.