office. it's his job to help the president make the best decision. he was very clear about understanding his role as a staffer and not someone out there actually setting the policy. so if the president is more comfortable with this, i think that's good. it is interesting, though. the president's posture on north korea right now is far different than what ambassador bolton's posture has been as recently as february when he was advocating the possibility we might good ahead and attack. he might have adjust his view on north korea as we head towards these meetings in may. >> that's absolutely right. the president deserves to have the people around him, and he has the right to have the people around him that he wants. but to suggest this is not going to make a difference when they come down and have a council and a meeting of the nsc with the president, i think these two appointments at state and the nsc have both moved the center of gravity toward a much harder line position on north korea and