my guess is, i haven't talked to keith, my guess is keith thought he was doing something good. he was talking to michael cohen to leverage a deal. with ami. because of michael cohen had not blessed it i'm sure ami was never going to pay her the money in the first place. so. >> she wants the life rights back from ami. that that's essentially what they own in that contract. is that something she can actually sue to get back? >> yes. she can sue to get that back. when you say you want your life rights back and you're not in this for the money, that's another thing this is perplexing. i don't understand what the end game is. it's probably above my pay grade. but it doesn't make a lot of sense. unless she's just out there and wants to increase her fame kwoegs. or figures this is a good way to get her out there and reinvigorate the career because they promised her that. that might be the case. in terms of a legal case, most judges that i know are going to