for republicans, and i said, i'm sorry for your time, i'll leave. and she said, but i am voting for donald trump, because he's going to shake things up. clinton fundamentally misreads the moment. >> we looked very closely at what happened post election. i think i said on your show before, there are counties and states like ohio and in iowa where there was a massive flip from supporting obama to supporting hillary clinton. and that just doesn't justify what she said. it doesn't validate, i guess i should say, what she said. there were a lot of dynamics in the race, no question, but i don't think you can blame it entirely -- you shouldn't be blaming it on the electorate and there was a larger issue with the campaign, how it was run, and frankly her candidacy. >> thanks one and all for being here. i know you want to weigh in here, but i have to cut to commercial break. it's march madness in the white house. who will be out next? who will make it to the final four? and always keep an eye on the spoilers. that's the subject of this week's state of the cartoonian. s