accusers of her father when he's affirmatively stated that there's no truth to it. >> i go back, walter, to and ask you how can she pull the daughter card when she doesn't want to answer a question? she's a senior advisor to the president of the united states. >> yeah, i've seen that clip a couple of times today and it's flesh crawlingly uncomfortable not because of the question that was asked but her trying to shame the questioner as though we're not entitled to ask white house officials about a matter surrounding the president and plaguing him in this moment when lots of women are coming forward with different allegations. the bottom line is this is the product of nepotism, and she wants to have it both ways. she wants to be handed a position that she has no qualifications for, and yet she doesn't want to be asked questions in that capacity. she wants to be the president's daughter when it's convenient and the white house assistant to