you lose accuracy, right, because you're bouncing all over the place and going crazy. you're not sitting there -- a silencer does not make a gun silent. it makes it okay for your hearing. it lowers the decibels. >> at the end of the day i look around and i get finished being hypnotized by people smart on guns but i still say, other countries don't have this problem. >> maybe it's because they are more in tune with each other. >> i think their societies are better. i lived in europe. >> i think it comes down to parenting. >> only americans have horrible parents? >> no, you look at so many kids that are bullied that do these violent acts whether they kill themselves or they kill other people. >> you mean, no bullies in other countries. >> maybe they teach their kids resiliency. we are a country that is too soft. we want everything perfect. >> you have to say guns are a bit of the problem. that is a part of it. we were shot by a gun. we weren't bow and arrowed at route 91. >> i know.