>> meaning what? >> so meaning that we want you to first start by avoiding the attacker if that is possible. get away from the person who is trying to kill you. if for some reason you skptd, you are in a classroom, you hear gun fire in the hallway, you are worried you might be shot, best next option is deny access to your location, close, locked door, barricade it. that sort of thing. and as last resort if you end up in close proximity to that person, next best thing is to defend yourself. that person is trying to murder you, you should not let them do that easily. >> let me ask some practical questions. use the he will swrat tore or don't? >> you don't want to be trapped in a box that doesn't give you options of where you can go an what you can do. >> full the fire alarm, don't pull the fire alarm? >> i would say don't pull the fire alarm particularly in a case where apply the school had