i'm -- but -- well, but -- sorry, i'm talking about yeah there's a lot we don't know f. for all we know mueller is about to wrap up everything. i'm speaking about the public record. what is known on the public record, and there are things that you can look at in the various mueller pleas that tell me that he does not have much of a case on either collusion or obstruction of justice. he might have a great case. he may have a great obstruction case, but not based upon what we see. if he's looking at donald trump's international transactions over the last ten years, god knows what he'll find. all we really know right now is that the case against -- all we can say based on today's event is the case against manafort has gotten stronger because we have an insider who's going to say yeah, that's what we did. >> i don't think it's primarily based simply on guess work. you're right, solomon. a lot of this is speculative because of the fact that mueller keeps everything close to the vest. it's intended to be the case