that the president would be shielded from that? >> it is conceivable. i think sometimes we jump to a lot of conclusions. i remember when i worked in the white house, six months i was there, there would be stuff that happened, people would jump out in the newspaper, this means that, that means that and therefore this. they didn't know what they were talking about. i don't want to be in that category. it is dangerous. john kelly, you think adult in the room, patriot. >> general. >> reporter: general. rule follower. no, you're a rule breaker if you let somebody stay in there that the fbi won't vouch for. if somebody has been there three months, you know what? i'm not going to jump up and down about that. a year? a year? the fbi cannot come and tell you this person is okay and he has been there a year and he's two inches from the president every day? come on now. something is desperately wrong in that building. >> let's talk about your show. >> yes. >> "the van jones show." you do a segment where you put