spending deal to keep the government running and fund the military for two years, an eternity in washington terms, the president is still talking anti a government shutdown. on a morning when the president's lawyers and friends say he should not sit down with investigators from the special counsel's office because he might get caught lying, the president is saying he can handle the truth. also, the president wants a parade, a big one with tanks and troops. in a nutshell, he likes parades and wants one. much more on that coming up. first, words we don't speak very often because it's a thing that doesn't happen very often. we're getting whispers turning into shouts that we could be minutes away from a big, substantive bipartisan deal on capitol hill. let's get to suzanne malveaux on capitol hill with the latest: what are you hearing? >> reporter: e i spoke with senator dick durbin. senators saying don't let the president taunt you, don't fall into his trap. there is a possibility of immigration on the one hand and