great, a family is getting help paying for their child care, but look at the koch brothers who are going to make billions of dollars off of these tax breaks, families that are able to transfer wealth, you know, corporations who got a massive, i think, 40% tax cut, it is totally out of wac and then the other thing we just heard is how much debt the government -- how many bonds the government is going to be issuing to take on more debt next year. middle class families are getting a little bit of money. nothing compared to what corporations and namillionaires and billionaires are getting. >> nancy pelosi saying the thousand dollar bonuses are crumbs. but does that fly? >> out of touch, i'm mystified, the speaker shouldn't have deleted the tweet. i'm mystified that they think the right take here is to call a woman who did get a tax cut and finds it beneficial to her middle class family absurd and say her argument for her family