contents? >> listen, it definitely doesn't help the idea that this is some sort of objective memo and that the point of this release was for more transparency when the first people to get their hands on it are outlets that have been friendlier to the president and to his agenda than anybody else. this whole memo, though, has reminded me of sometimes when you go to museums and other countries and they portray a war that we've learned about from the other side and you see these two alternate realities. and you have to remember in all of this, that for the people who support trump, who voted for him, they voted him into office to drain the swamp. to get rid of what they like to call the deep state. so for them, this memo is a great thing. because if it leads to this house cleansing of the fbi, that is what they voted for. they voted to get these people out of office. so to some people -- >> you mean the concerns about a constitutional crisis, the concerns about our institutions eroding, it's actually a good thing to his voters? >> to some voters, they wanted him to literally drain the swamp. if that means getting rid of