citizens. but this doesn't seem like that. this is coming in the context of what's clearly a partisan attack on an ongoing investigation. >> can i just -- to add, we have to think about what it would have taken for this to be a legitimate abuse of power. in order for this to be a legitimate abuse of power, you would have need the director of the fbi, the deputy director, as well as the lawyers who review applications and the judge to all have been deceived and to think that this dossier was enough evidence. or you would have needed a conspiracy on the part of all of those individuals to say -- to stand against president trump and to do that by surveiling carter page. >> let's be clear. the fbi has had a history of undermining civil liberties. google hoover and martin luther king junior and you will find a conspiracy that lasted 12 years. you are right about this sounding like a pretextual reason. we're talking about for a fisa court, for a renewal of an