on. >> and the president. >> yes. >> because there's so much about the president's prior financial dealings with the russians. >> yes. >> and that is the heart of the money laundering allegations and that is the heart of the theory that gave rise to how did the trumps come to have relationships with the russians that might provide them dirt that will the end -- and this is maybe a segue to the next section -- in the end, what do the russians want out of this, sanctions relief. we find ourselves in a sanctions relief environment. that's the quid pro quo. maybe we're seeing it play out. >> the thing that's confusing about the dossier, we were told many times and our reporting bares out, only part of the predicate. >> we have it from so many different sources. there's a lot of stuff in there because they started with the really salacious stuff. there was a reason to doubt it. but their theory is simple. jim jordan, congressman from