women were there. a full field of a flag. and the only time people were taking a knee of note was when the eagles were kicking off after they would score, and the vikings were taking it in the end zone. i will tell you because people recognize and will say tell donald trump i love my tax cut. but the most touching ones are when the soldiers' parents come up to me and say, thank you so much. my son is in afghanistan. randy and linda sitting right behind me yesterday said that. and mike and linda, excuse me, said it yesterday. and people come up and say, thank you so much because we feel like you back the blue. you're there for the veterans, the soldiers. and i appreciate it. they say it to me because they're say 2g to the president, and i appreciate that most. but go birds. >> good luck to you going into the game. let's discuss some of this stuff that happens going forward, okay? the democrats got a deal to make a deal, right? mcconnell said, yes, it's my intention we'll debate until february 8th, and then hopefully they'll p some bill on the floor for an up or down vote.