unapologetic for fighting for what we see as california values. >> reporter: working from her pedal disk, one foot soldier, countering, resisting trump. miguel marquez, cnn, in the california republic. >> thanks to miguel for that report. be sure to watch the special report, the president's first year in office, reign of chaos it is titled. jake tapper brings us that. tomorrow night 10:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. a record number of flu deaths in one california county. as of last week, 142 people have died from the flu in san diego county alone, that cpares to peop in that county died from the flu. officials say it is the deadliest flu season in decades. >> father of two germ carriers, i can tell you this is a serious concern in schools. >> it is a really big deal. if you haven't gotten your flu shot, do so, though doesn't