seems to me, when you make comments that way. and maybe that's what you believe. i mean it must be the first thing he believes because that's the first thing that came up. and the reality is diversity is what's made this nation great. people from all over the world have come to our shores and made this country great, and diversity will continue to build upon our country. >> so there are two things. one, you really believe that the president has a problem with his heart? >> yeah. i guess if you say something like what he said, i do have to at least raise that question. some may go further and say he is a racist. what i am saying is his comments were extraordinarily racist. >> what's the difference between saying something that's racist and being a racist? >> well, i think we have to -- the thing that we have to -- there are a lot of people who can say things racist, and that's unfortunate. so it's unfortunate, his comments. but my question and concern is he is the president of the united states.