the president is, but it is not fair to say that he had -- that the intelligence community writ large can now go on the hunt for people they don't like, that is patently false, there is oversight of this, there is judicial oversight of this. this is congressional oversight of this, there is inspector general oversight of this. this is one of those programs that has more people looking at it than are actually doing the work. and so i wouldn't -- that'd be the least thing i'd be concerned about, but it was really important to make sure that our intelligence community had the ability to listen to foreigners who are overseas communicating to other foreigners likely overseas and committing acts of either terror or espionage. and without this authority that was getting ready to go away, we would have lost all of that. and i think that would have been a travesty and dangerous to the united states. >> i want to ask -- one other topic. i know you're eager to jump in, i want to ask about this, kellyanne conway was on cnn last night and she said that nobody at the white house is talking